Fee Payment Policy
Fee Payment Policy
(Governance, Management, Administration)
Responsible to: Management
Applies to: All families and whānau
Date Effective: 12/2022
Review Date: 12/2025
Our Approach
High Five is a private Early Education Centre providing quality education and care for your children aged 0-5 years. To maintain this quality, fees are charged, and parent/s are expected to make their fee payments in a prompt and timely manner. Failure to pay will result in their child’s exclusion from High Five.
This policy supports the centre as a whole in its operations, leading to the best learning outcomes for children
This policy sets out clear expectations for parents and whanau regarding fee payment
A booking fee of $100 is charged as a condition of enrolment; this is non-refundable if you cancel your child’s place before the intended start date, this is a requirement when the centre is full as spaces will be held in relation to payment of this booking fee being received.
Bank account number: 06-0574-0235888-00
Your first automatic payment will begin on the first week of the agreed start date. Your $100 booking fee will be deducted from this amount.
Our accounts and attendance week starts on Monday and ends on Friday and our fees and charges are collated in this manner.
All fees are to be paid by automatic payment weekly or fortnightly.
Fees are paid for fifty-two weeks each year regardless of absences, statutory holidays, illness, family holidays or teacher only days (2 annually).
All fees are GST inclusive.
We do not swap days of attendance for any other day. If you require an extra day, please ask the Centre Manager and your child may attend if there is a vacancy on that day. This will be considered an additional day and will be charged on your account on that basis. Please check schedule of charges displayed in Centre entranceway.
Parent/s are required to give three weeks’ notice to leave the centre or for requesting increases or decreases to enrolment. Accurate written documentation will reduce any account discrepancies or incorrect charges. Please be aware that requested changes may not be possible.
A late fee will be charged if parents are late to collect their child or earlier to drop off their child (outside their booked time, if it has not been arranged with staff prior). This does not include unforeseen circumstances, traffic, last minute care arrangements, etc. We greatly appreciate communication with the centre if there is an occurrence where you know you will be outside these times.
The charges are:
$15 for every 15 minutes before and after booked times (prorated), with a 10 minute grace period
$30 for every 15 minutes after 6pm
For overdue accounts the following procedure will occur:
If you do not pay your fees you will receive a letter in your parent pocket advising the outstanding amount.
Payment in full of the overdue amount is required within seven days of the statement, if unable to pay the full amount, admin must be contacted and a payment plan put in place.
If full payment of overdue fees is not received within seven days, or you have not made arrangements with High Five Management to pay the outstanding amount, the following procedures will be put in place and your child's enrolment at High Five may be at risk.
A second letter confirming your overdue account and final
notification of debt.
If no arrangements have been made the account will be
forwarded to Credit Consultants Debt Services NZ LTD. All
costs in relation to collection of overdue accounts will be added
to your account.
Parents Statement of Accounts will be produced:
Weekly via email
As requested by parents
Via email if outstanding amount has been on invoice for a month
Any changes to the fee schedule will be entirely at the discretion of management. Parents will be given at least one month’s notification of any changes.
WINZ childcare subsidies are available for families on low incomes. (WINZ criteria apply)
A 10% discount on each subsequent child may be available when two or more children from the same family are enrolled.
Discounts will be entirely at the discretion of management.
High Five offers 20 hours ECE for 3 and 4 year olds.
Relevant References
Ministry of Education Regulations 2008.
Review in 2025 unless there is a significant change in the topic area.